Question 7
The Correct Answer Is: TRUE
1 John 3:4: "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness."
Sin is serious. Recognizing this is the first step in solving the problem of sin, and looking for a solution. But what exactly is sin? One definition of sin is a transgression of the law (or lawlessness). What law are we talking about? The New Covenant Law of Jesus. When Jesus came to this world, the Jews were living under the Law of Moses, while the Gentiles were living under a moral law (sometimes called the Patriarchal Law). These were two different laws, neither of which could remit sins on their own. When Jesus died on the cross, both of these laws were removed, and replaced with the New Covenant. Many of the laws found in the Old Testament are found in the New Covenant (such as prohibitions on murder, theft, lying and adultery), but some are removed (such as animal sacrifices, Sabbath Day keeping, and Holy Days). If we want to know if something is right or wrong, we must look to the New Covenant (contained in the New Testament). And when we find something to be right, we're to do it, and when we find something to be wrong, we're not to do it. If we break God's law, we've sinned and are in need of forgiveness. Everybody on earth today lives under this law, whether they recognize it or not. That's why everybody, in order to be pleasing to God, needs to follow the only Savior, Jesus, in order to have their sins forgiven that are committed under this law.