Question 5

Question 5

The Correct Answer Is: TRUE


Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."


The concept of creation is mocked by modern scientists as an idea of the past that has been proven wrong through the theory of evolution by natural selection.  However, in the very first verse of the Bible, God says otherwise.  He said that he created the universe and everything that is in it.  Now we can choose to believe God (who was there) or man (who was not), but we can't believe both.  Why is it reasonable to believe the Bible (a book that was completed about 2000 years ago before the invention of modern scientific methods) when it says that God created this universe?  Because logic demands it.  Everything we have ever seen with our eyes or have experienced had a creator.  Not one thing can we say came about from nothing.  And yet that's what we are told to believe about this universe as a whole.  That one day, out of nothing, something appeared.  And not only did that something appear, but that over vast amounts time, particles evolved through some mysterious means that we call 'natural selection', and eventually we get everything we see today, in all its beauty and all its complexity.  Such defies logic.  Add to the fact that although we do see changes within a kind of animal (i.e. different kinds of bears), we have never observed one kind of animal becoming another kind of animal (i.e. an alligator becoming a hippopotamus), and we come to realize that evolution by natural selection cannot explain where life or this universe came from.  However, an eternal being that is higher than this universe, one who has creative power can explain both life and this universe.  And the Bible reveals this eternal being to us as Jehovah: and then gives a record of how he created everything.  And when our modern scientific methods actually prove something to be true, and the Bible speaks on the same topic, our discoveries have always agreed with the Bible, a book written over 2000 years ago.      


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